Hello my lovelies!
Yes Christmas is nearly hear and you can bet your bottom dollar that I
will be posting another cute or delicious polymer clay Christmas
tutorial! So if you have any sugesstions on what I should create, please
leave it as a comment on this post. Thanks.
Whilst your waiting supercutekawaii has posted a new competition on
their site where you can win some lovely Christmas Iwako Erasers!
Modes4u have kindly given superkawaii a prize to giveawy to one lucky
winner. Modes4u's erasers come in an assortment of fun, cute designs and
colours! The winner will receive a pack of thirteen Iwako erasers from
their Christmas collection. So if you want to be the lucky person to win
this incredible prize headover to
supercutekawaii's giveaways
now, where you can enter their current giveaways and try your
But if you aren't a lucky winner, don't be sad, at
Modes4u you can purchase all of their amazing products which are absolutely adorable and fun to have. Plus they ship internationally!
So what are you waiting for? visit
supercutekawaii today to stand a chance of winning!